Hi I’m Bridgette… I’m a Business Coach and Life Strategist with an unshakable belief in the concept that we are in an exciting time with a huge opportunity to create our freedom from an outdated system. The game is changing and so is the money system. We have an opportunity on our hands to learn, innovate and step into our full potential as sovereign individuals. Sovereignty begins when we take extreme ownership over our results and make decisions that position us for maximum growth and success. We are here to develop our gifts, do what we love and its a whole lot easier when we have the right strategy to approach all the chaos. Im here to help people & businesses with understanding that transition. I know pulling it all together solo can be a challenge, Its a noisy space! I’m here to be a sounding board, help you get the internal forces working in the same direction and help you fine tune your strategy for success.
Full Spectrum Health Coaching
In a world where we must constantly monitor whats in our food, it’s important to keep closely tuned in to how we keep our channel clear. A cleaner body equates to a higher vibration and more trustworthy intuition when it comes to our bodies somatic signals. With over 15 year experience working with detoxing, natural medicine and plant based therapies, I am here to support your path into wholeness in the most natural way possible
Business Coaching
The Business world is noisy and like any new skill, takes time to feel safe in but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to see opportunities your future self will thank you for. There are powerful ways to earn your freedom in this space. It will take work, commitment and discipline but results are worth it and so is your freedom.
Photography for me is about creating a safe space for “the real authentic you” to shine through. Our shoots are a transformational experience that are designed to help you learn about yourself, step beyond your venerability and into a place of power where you can see and be seen, in the art of play.

A bit about me...
“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen” Harley Davidson
My entire life has been spent trying to crack the code on how to find & live a purpose through business and creativity. After helping people launch and scale their businesses for 6 years, I realised that the dream was to afford the freedom to work on the projects that held the most meaning for me. Thats when I found my true calling in Crypto. It activated my passion to master the skill of money so I had time and space to the do the humanitarian work that inspires me most. Then I realised its all part of the same mission; the coaching & PD work, the soul path, shamanic healing was all to help people step into their right to Sovereignty. I stand before you now passionate about helping you remember why you are here and help give you the tools I wish I knew years ago. Freedom has to be earned, it takes courage, discipline, commitment and a bit of crazy. Bring it!
My Toolkit
- Business Modelling
- Web 3 Setup
- Technical Analysis
- Trading Education
- Project Managment
- Life Strategy Coaching
- Full Spectrum Health Coaching
- Profiling & Intuitive Sessions
- Rites of Passage
- Photography